BETA Course NOW Available

Jeden Mittwoch findet ein kostenloser Mal- und Zeichen Workshop statt.

Jeder kann daran teilnehmen.

Registriere Dich hier und Du bekommst alle Zugangsinformationen zugesendet.


Course Description

This first BETA-course will be different to all the following courses that are related to portrait painting


Well, as an artist who wants to give his knowledge to others mostly didn’t know completly their needs. And exactly this the reason for the BETA-Course, YOU can learn during LIVE Sessions all that what you need to paint portraits AND you’re selected to configure this course with me for all following students. Your needs, Your questions will lead me from my structure to content and gives all other students the possiblities to react.

Isn’t that great?

As a member of our classroom you’ll have full access to the post producted online course, For your ever!

Complete BETA-course overview for YOU

  • 12 hours live teaching and access to the recordings
  • Max. 20 students in a class room
  • You create the details with highly motivated students and teacher
  • You get exercises
  • Instant solutions for your questions
  • Flexible course structure and time
  • Direct feedback of your work
  • Group discussion live und realtime
  • and finally the price, YOU save 50% of the course and no registration costs
  • Livetime access to all the online course that you booked for
  • Get a bunch of extra media like ebooks, pdf’s, handouts etc.

Due to the fact that this course will be established for the first time, we decided to give a small number of customers the possibility to co-create this ‘Beginner Course’ . This means that we are creating the online hours highly dynamic, just to react to the customers need and/or ideas, As a result we expect a course schedule that fits to a cutomer who has less to zero experience in painting and drawing. The core aspects which are needed to put you in the position to play with your new skills. Of course if you should have questions around a certain theme, aks you question during the live session. It doen’t matter which language you speak, we answer always in English.

